Plastic Hanger Manufacturer

About Shine Plastics

At Shine Plastics, we take pride in being a leading manufacturer of premium plastic hangers, catering to a diverse range of industries and needs. With our headquarters located in Erode, our company has become synonymous with quality, innovation, and reliability in the plastic hanger manufacturing industry.

Our Story

Established with a vision to revolutionize the way garments are stored and displayed, Shine Plastics embarked on its journey in 2000. Since then, we have been committed to providing top-notch plastic hanger solutions to our valued clients across India and beyond.

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Why Choose us


Business Solution

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Why Choose Us


At Shine Plastics, we differentiate ourselves in the market with our commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Extensive Variety

Offering a wide range of plastic hanger models to suit diverse garment types, sizes, and customer preferences.

High-Quality Materials

Using premium quality materials to ensure durability, strength, and longevity of the hangers.

Customization Options

Providing customization options such as color, size, branding, and special features to meet specific client requirements.

Innovative Designs

Introducing innovative designs and features to enhance functionality, organization, and aesthetics of the hangers.

Sustainability Focus

Emphasizing eco-friendly practices by using recycled materials, reducing waste, and adopting sustainable manufacturing processes.

Competitive Pricing

Offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality, ensuring affordability for clients of all sizes.

Reliable Production

Maintaining a reliable and efficient production process with strict quality control measures to deliver consistent and superior products.

Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service, including timely responses, personalized support, and hassle-free order processing.

Industry Expertise

Leveraging years of experience and industry expertise to understand market trends, customer needs, and deliver innovative solutions.

Timely Delivery

Ensuring on-time delivery of orders, meeting deadlines, and maintaining a reliable supply chain to support client operations.

By highlighting these USP points, a plastic hanger manufacturer can effectively differentiate itself in the market and attract customers seeking quality, reliability, and innovation in their hanger solutions.